University Leaderships Are Looking For New Donors
We suggest the Iranian government
Our dear brothers (or sisters!) at MIT recently called out run-of-the-mill faculty members for their silence when woke cancer took over our institutions and turned them into social justice factories. We understand – silence is violence.
But university leaderships did the opposite: They started speaking during the 2020 racial reckoning and have not stopped since.
Who could have possibly predicted how it would end up?
You know, one day you’re minding your own business, posting an anti-racism resource list that boasts BLM and Ibram Kendi, promoting decolonization, talking about whiteness, oppression and systemic racism as self evident truths, changing the university’s mission and vision to be all about social justice, relentlessly pushing restorative justice initiatives, inviting an FBI wanted freedom fighter to MIT campus... Ordinary university business.

And then… one fine day, completely out of the blue, you get this:

Who could have possibly predicted one thing would lead to the other?!
Another reckoning seems to be coming, and it may cost many of our university’s Leaders a lot of donor money and possibly, their jobs. It appears that the idea that “decolonization is not a metaphor” doesn’t sit well with lots of wealthy donors, many of whom are Jewish who, for some reason, are not very fond of Hamas sympathizers. Money is not a metaphor either.
Will our university Leaders back down or will they double down? Maybe a course correction is the right thing to do, but then - how would it make one look after spending so much time and money on the noble DEI goal, not to mention the hoards for DEI commissars that are now so embedded in the system that it’s virtually impossible to root them all out? What about the long term plans to abolish standardized testing and build an identity based hierarchy? Are they REALLY going to reverse all this?
Maybe universities should ask the Iranian government for money to replace the lost donations. The ayatollahs must be grateful for Western universities, who are producing so many young Hamas and Hezbollah supporters, and will be glad to throw in some cash.
I predict that nothing will change, except that universities will be much less likely to expose themselves to public outcry. All the institutional claptrap will continue to be embedded