References in the title of this piece: 1
Nobody knows an author better than she knows herself. If you want to know her, let her speak2.
Enter Khayke Scottish, a humanity/“studies” professor at UMass Boston. So far, she sounds like a typical, run-of-the-mill vegetarian/“free-range” humanitarian/“studies” (what do they eat? do they study what they eat? do they study it after eating? before? and do they use baking soda?), i.e.
“oversexed,” “ideological,” “gratuitously provocative” (Khayke Scottish’s X-handle)
But it gets better soon. Here is Khayke on “reproductive futurism” (here and below, emphasis is ours):
Reproductive futurism is characterized… by “a set of values widely thought of as extrapolitical values (sic.) that center on the family, to be sure, but that focus on the protection of children.” (Queer Terror: Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony (p. 37) on No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive by Lee Edelman)
From the back cover of the book cited:
[T]he child, understood as innocence in need of protection, represents the possibility of the future against which the queer is positioned as the embodiment of a relentlessly narcissistic, antisocial, and future-negating drive… In No Future, Edelman urges queers to… accede to their status as figures for… the death drive itself.
Khayke again:
[T]he queer is the necessary counterpart to the Child and what most threatens it… “The sacralization of the Child...necessitates the sacrifice of the queer.” (Queer Terror (p. 40) on No Future)
I am now curious where it is all going. Aha!
“[Q]ueerness should and must redefine such notions as ‘civil order’ through a rupturing of our foundational faith in the reproduction of futurity…” Edelman argues, queerness “figures...the place of the social order’s death drive.” (ibid.)
Finally, to make sure that the original intent of “No Future” is not lost in Prof. Scottish rendering, I am adding one more quote from there:
[Q]ueerness names the side of those not ‘‘fighting for the children.” (No Future (p. 3))
Is it a disparagement of the child or the “queer”? The answer becomes clear when we return to the theme of death: the word “death” is repeated in Queer Terror 236 times. Hmm… why is that? Let the author speak.
US/Israeli empire… is a civilizationalist project that [operates] in the name of the civilized “life” it protects and all those who value it… “The queerness we propose… ‘is unaware of the passing of generations as stages on the road to better living. . . [It] knows that civilization alone is mortal.’ Edelman’s suggestion that queers3 wed themselves to the taint of death and destruction… suggests (sic.) that our alliances and solidarities must be precisely with these queers,… with a vision of the future that promises… the certainty of annihilation of the present. This is an embrace of death…We choose to stand on the side of “terrorism.” (Queer Terror, with quotes from No Future (pp. 167-68), that quotes, in turn, Homosexual Desire by Guy Hocquenghem (Duke University Press (1993) (original 1972)) (what a Russian doll, we will soon need another level of quotation marks… how about these ones ☭ … ☭))
And as per usual, after theory comes praxis:
We covered this praxis thingy before—in the context of 10/7, on these very pages—see here, here, and here.
Expectedly, in her book, Professor Scottish never mentions rape of Israeli girls till their pelvic bones break, cutting fetuses out of live pregnant Israeli women, and using baking soda when cooking Israeli babies alive4 , only death, albeit (again) 236 times. If only the book were published after October 7! So far, her only published text on the subject of “willingly butchering children” is “🤡”.
Maybe in the future, we will get an extended edition of “Queer Terror”. Oh, I forgot, there is “No Future.”
We are grateful to our trusted field correspondent Madame Defarge for actually reading both “Queer Terror” and “No Future” and transcribing them for us: she is currently seeking a PTSD psychological help, but she is in good hands. Thank you, Madame. Your sacrifice shall not be in vain.
Two implicit references. “Of Grammatology” is the book where, in 1995, Derrida’s “deconstruction” emerges, whatever it is. “My Little Leniniana” is a 1988 book by Venedikt Yerofeyev, a Russian dissident and writer. The book is a collection of quotations from Lenin's works and letters. The following is a Google-translated quote from the “Leniniana” (never translated to English), and we ask our Russian-speaking readers to let us know if Google Translate didn’t do a good job:
“In Nizhnny [Novgorod], it is clear that a White Army uprising is being plotted. We must use all our resources to bring about a massive terror, shoot and deport hundreds of prostitutes, giving wine to soldiers, former officers, etc. Not a minute of delay." (Lenin, August 9, 1918)
It’s not entirely clear whom to kill. Is it prostitutes, and then people giving soldiers wine, and former officers? Or prostitutes who give wine to soldiers, and, separately, former officers? And whom should we shoot and whom should we deport? Maybe deport after the execution? And what’s behind the “etc”?
… but the boldface is still going to be ours.
“[T]hese queers are Muslims and Arabs.” (“Queer Terror” (p. 168))
The later suggestion came from a NYT and TED featured queer resistance fighter [see footnote 3].
Queer Terror indeed. The mainstreaming and even celebration psychological disorders appears to be accelerating. 🤦♂️