The Standard Model of Woke is the theory describing the three known fundamental woke forces, the similarities and differences between them, the interactions between them, and their conjectured interaction with the yet to be observed good force.
Three woke forces are known: weak, strong, and the third.
Taxonomy: similarities and differences
When in contact with the merit field, each of the three woke forces tends to annihilate it. However, they differ in their primary motivation to do so. This difference is the basis for their classification.
Weak force
Position on merit: to be abolished
Motivation: to demolish capitalism
The weak force is comprised of the white activists for whom merit, hard work, and ambition are features of a capitalist society, the latter to be demolished. Cloward–Piven framework of 1966 pioneered this tradition. Their plan was to instigate the poor to request—needed or not—the absolute maximum of the welfare support they were entitled to, and in doing so to
…...deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition, … [and to force it] to establish... a guaranteed annual income.1
They knew that this strategy
…will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.2
[(sic!) Also sick! Above are their own words, not ours.]
The Cloward–Piven socialist revolution didn’t happen. But the poisonous welfare molasses stayed, with the “individual social and economic mobility” having been drowned in it.
Fifty years later, the strategy is still the same. SHSATs, APs, exam schools, gifted and talented programs, etc. are abolished because “‘whiteness’ includes being smart”, capitalism is whiteness, whiteness is capitalism… you get the picture. Also, “praxis” comes to mind. The UMB-local attempts at un-grading are worth noticing.
Strong force
Position on merit: to be abolished
Motivation: to protect their lazy progeny from a competition with hard-working Asians
The strong force is the white elites who are horrified by the hard-working Asians. Like the Jews in the 1920s, Asians of the 2020s remind the parents of the triple-soy-latte-drinking, babysat-around-the-clock, Chamonix-vacationing teens that they also need to… gasp… study their tails off. And they don’t. But thanks to their powerful parents, they don’t need to. According to Wikipedia:
After controlling for grades, test scores, family background (legacy status), and athletic status (whether or not the student was a recruited athlete), [it was] found3 that whites were three times… as likely to be accepted at a US university as Asian Americans.
In 2021, California abolished its SATs and ACTs, having disregarded the recommendations of a 225-page-long expert report it commissioned. According to the Atlantic,
…aligning enrollment with [California’s] demographics would require cutting the share of [Asian] students by almost two-thirds.
Harvard (did we say elites?) is now officially accused of discrimination against Asians.
And “yes”, UMB is test-optional.
The third force
Position on merit: to be abolished
Motivation: We feel that we are not qualified to discuss the third woke force beyond the picture above. However, our brothers and sisters at the Free Black Thought are contributing tirelessly to this research direction.
Interwoke interactions
The three forces of woke have nothing in common besides their enemy, i.e. merit in all its incarnations. The intra-force conflicts are as frequent as they are entertaining. A typical contest consists of trying to convince the hungry Twitter zombies that your opponent is a bigger racist than you are. A recent UMB duel between the weak4 and the strong5 forces, with the NPR used by the elites as a hitman6, is a telling example78.
Outlook: the good force
Position on merit: to be cherished and strengthened
Motivation: doesn’t need any
A force that is opposite to the three woke forces above (the good force) has been conjectured, but so far never reliably observed… potentially due to its expected extreme weakness. If proven to exist, it will take a form of a group of honest university professors who want to teach in such a way that… wait for it… an actual knowledge is acquired in the end. The recently detected, UMB-local good-strong collision observed at the proctored ALEKS accelerator may be one of the first reliable manifestations of the new force.
Cloward, Richard; Piven, Frances (May 2, 1966). The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty. (Originally published in The Nation).
Espenshade, Thomas J.; Walton Radford, Alexandria (2009). No longer separate, not yet equal: race and class in elite college admission and campus life. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Jeffrey Melnick, Professor of American Studies, UMB
Our Supreme Leaders
…with a pretense to objectivity
Yet, entertainment aside, here, in the Flickering Beacon, we will continue backing the right of the Weak to speak (their) truth to the Strong. It is the right thing to do, and it also provides us with a lot of good material.