Why you know - the totally unprovoked, out of nowhere, genocidal war on Gaza. I can't in the life of me think why the IOF would just decide to invade Gaza out of the blue. Can you help me remember?
Love this. He is a walking, talking, cliche. My highlighted parts of his Wiki article. (And he isn't even Mexican. He immigrated from Argentina.) "He created the position of special assistant to the chancellor for Black life... In July 2020, Suárez-Orozco and his wife, Carola, established the George Floyd Honorary Scholarship Fund." One of my favorite books is "Guide to the Perfect Latin American Idiot" (Manual del Perfecto Idiota Latinoamericano) and its sequel "The Return of the Idiot" (El Regreso del Idiota), both of which sum him up. I am confident this guy has never heard of these books. Either that or es un sin vergüenza.
He never claimed to be Mexican - he is indeed from Argentina. That he claims to be a "man of color" despite probably being 100% European (or so it looks like, I don't know his family history) shows the true hypocrisy of the racial system in this country.
And yes, we extensively made fun of his George Floyd fellowship. There as so many worthy black individuals to name a fellowship after and yet he went with Floyd, very shortly after his death. Imagine winning the fellowship and having to put it on your CV.
What happened on October 7th? Am I forgetting something? Let me look down the memory hole.
Why you know - the totally unprovoked, out of nowhere, genocidal war on Gaza. I can't in the life of me think why the IOF would just decide to invade Gaza out of the blue. Can you help me remember?
It must have been purely due to Islamophobia!
Love this. He is a walking, talking, cliche. My highlighted parts of his Wiki article. (And he isn't even Mexican. He immigrated from Argentina.) "He created the position of special assistant to the chancellor for Black life... In July 2020, Suárez-Orozco and his wife, Carola, established the George Floyd Honorary Scholarship Fund." One of my favorite books is "Guide to the Perfect Latin American Idiot" (Manual del Perfecto Idiota Latinoamericano) and its sequel "The Return of the Idiot" (El Regreso del Idiota), both of which sum him up. I am confident this guy has never heard of these books. Either that or es un sin vergüenza.
He never claimed to be Mexican - he is indeed from Argentina. That he claims to be a "man of color" despite probably being 100% European (or so it looks like, I don't know his family history) shows the true hypocrisy of the racial system in this country.
And yes, we extensively made fun of his George Floyd fellowship. There as so many worthy black individuals to name a fellowship after and yet he went with Floyd, very shortly after his death. Imagine winning the fellowship and having to put it on your CV.