We all know about the characteristics of white supremacy culture, thanks to Tema Okun’s seminal work from the 90s. Okun’s site provides a poignant and accurate description which she wrote over years of meticulous research and controlled studies, in her own words:
“… after a particularly frustrating consultation with an organization I was working with at the time. In a flurry of exasperation, I sat down at my computer and typed, the words flowing of their own accord into a quick and dirty listing…”
Said listing is backed by no data or evidence, yet it is presented as the absolute truth.
For a while, we suspected that wokeness and anti-racism are actually white supremacy in disguise. After piecing together all the evidence we are happy to announce that we finally have the conclusive proof! It’s been in front of us the whole time. Unlike Okun, we actually do have evidence!
Here are the white supremacy characteristics in the anti-racist movement, according to Okun’s own paradigm:
Either-or thinking. “You can either be racist or anti-racist” (Ibram X. Kendi).
Progress is better, more: MIT recently hired six DEI deans. UNC Chappel Hill employs 24 DEI officers, and the list keeps growing as you read this post. The record is held by U. Michigan.
Denial and Defensiveness: CRT is not being taught in schools (except when it is). Cancel culture does not exist (except when it does).
Quantity over quality: University administration keeps bloating, causing tuition increase, while faculty members resign due to burnout and dissatisfaction.
Fear of open conflict: DEI is not up for debate. Try to challenge the dogma, and you will get fired, investigated or pushed out. Even our very own UMass Boston no longer pretends to care about free inquiry, axing it from the current mission statement draft.
Instill a sense of fear: Poll after poll showing people are afraid to speak up. Most attacks come from the left.
Power hoarding: Kendi’s proposal for a Department of Anti-racism with extrajudicial powers is a prime example.
Belief in only one right way: It’s the DEI way or the highway!
Objectivity: There is no objective truth, and this is the objective truth!
Paternalism: (*) To the oppressors: “do the work”, “educate yourself”, get past your false consciousness”; (*) to the oppressed: “you won’t succeed unless we lower the standards”.
There you have it, folx. They are white supremacists per their own admission! Now let’s drive them all out.