WTF. Outrageous libel and propaganda paid for with my hard earned dues. Infuriating. Time for a split in the union? The Chicago Teachers Union had an upstart group (CORE) take over in the early 2000's. It's past time for change in the MTA!

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This is just the tip of the iceberg. I think the MTA is beyond repair at this point.

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Couldn't a coalition push back at least? I could imagine Jewish and Christian (etc) "teachers of faith" finding common cause with women's sports defenders and opponents of DEI and racial essentialism.

Unfortunately reform is complicated since unions (like K-12 public schools) are caught between the left extremists who have taken them over and the right who want them to be abolished.

Sad state of affairs for those of us who believe organized labor has an important role in balancing the power of the oligarchs. My factory union Granny is rolling in her grave.

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