Dear Mr. Beacon: Perhaps you can do something with this limerick by Robert Knox:

God in the Quad.

There was a young man who said "God

Must find it exceedingly odd

To think that the tree

Should continue to be

When there's no one about in the quad."


"Dear Sir: Your astonishment's odd;

I am always about in the quad.

And that's why the tree

Will continue to be

Since observed by, Yours faithfully, God."

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The Quad, brought to you by the USSR’s geniuses of Brutalism.

Seems quite appropriate actually.

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Other readers compared the quad to a prison yard in Russia or Turkey, the place Winston Smith sits at the end of "1984" and a truck stop along I 80. We should solicit more such opinions.

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That an insult to the Truck Stop along I 80 Community!


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