Jun 29, 2023Liked by Frank and Louie, Paul

I never thought I’d be applauding this Supreme Court, but this is a major victory of sanity over cant and a corrupted policy. Merit, merit, merit! And the solutions you offer are a far more meaningful and effective means to achieve fairness.

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Thank you!

Even the most respected venues (see e.g. <https://www.thefp.com/p/what-happens-after-the-end-of-affirmative>) often miss another, more universally damaging aspect of the affirmative action: watering down the curriculum. McWhorter gets it <https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/05/dont-abolish-nyc-high-school-admission-test/589045/>, but not many other writers do.

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McWhorter is brilliant. And brave.

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