Following are five quotes, uttered by either:
Normies: They’ve always said these things, universally applying them to everyone.
Social Justice Warriors: They’ve said these things recently, applying them only to themselves.
Please read them carefully and make your assessment of what the source was, in the poll below.
Don’t click on the links before you select an answer or give up.
There is such a thing as truth. There are facts and we can know them. From Tamsin Shaw, professor in philosophy at New York University: “‘Can the sceptic resist the tyrant?’ is one of the oldest questions in political philosophy. We can’t even fully recognise what tyranny is if we let the ruling powers get away with lying to us all.”
[Our organization] will take appropriate actions relevant to each situation to actively… [c]reate and publicize a mechanism for reporting and tracking incidences of educators who are retaliated against for exercising academic freedom and their First Amendment rights and report the data to the membership.
Activists and community members have been doxxed, threatened, investigated, censored, questioned, fired, and even assaulted simply because of their views, while government officials appear to be mobilizing law enforcement resources against them for their speech activities.
Quote 4: [On cancel culture in historical science.]
[W]hat is under assault here are not just individuals but academic curiosity itself, the lifeblood of scholarship that is now being portrayed as a form of cultural treason or misrepresented as political posturing.
I’m 35 yeas old, I’m 4+ years post-PhD, and — quite frankly — I’m also a white dude.
Combine those factors together and I’m for all intents and purposes unemployable as a 20th-century American historian.
Who made the statements above, when did they make them, and to whom do they apply?
Remember, your options are:
Normies: They’ve always said these things, universally applying them to everyone.
Social Justice Warriors: They’ve said these things recently, applying them only to themselves.
Answer can be found below these quiz buzzers.
Answer: Social Justice Warriors have very recently begun to recognize themselves in the mirror, albeit in a highly self-referential manner. If you don’t believe it, follow the links indicated by the quote numbers