“Contrariwise. If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic” (Tweedledum and Tweedledee).
Welcome to The Flickering Beacon!
Enter at your own risk. Not recommended for the elderly, the pregnant, and people with severe wokeness.
We, a group of brave men (or women!) at UMass Boston, following the steps of our dearest brothers (or sisters!), the Babbling Beavers at the MIT, present to you the Flickering Beacon. Formerly known as Boston's only public research university, our dear institution abandoned its mission and its role as an actual, you know, University, a place where knowledge is created and rigorous academic debate is held, fueled by a diversity of viewpoints, and is now quickly being captured by the dark forces of performative Wokeness.
Tired of standing on the sidelines and watching with horror as our beloved workplace becomes a travesty where excellence and merit are thrown away in favor of "expansive notions of excellence" and where freedom of expression is being discarded in favor of groupthink, we decided to do the courageous thing and talk about it, completely anonymously of course (we may be brave but we're not stupid!).
In case you still don’t get it - this is a satirical site.
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Please sit down, have fun and if the muse strikes you, contact us and submit pieces of your own. Keep our beloved beacon flickering!
Submissions can be emailed to frankandlouie@protonmail.com
Some rules:
You may submit full-length pieces or short headlines for the Point(less). We don’t have a word limit, but try to keep the full-length pieces short-ish.
Do not mention anyone by name, except for public figures. We don’t want a lawsuit.
Please use a fake name. We don’t want YOU to get a lawsuit.
Stories should be related to UMass Boston or a commentary on the state of affairs in general.
We are not copyrighted and we reserve the right to edit your title and/or your contents.
Very few topics are off limits, but please avoid overly vulgar language and/or malice or bigotry. We are here for good fun.
You are welcome to accompany your piece with graphics, but make sure it is not copyrighted.
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