With Reality Like Ours, Who Needs Satire?
The Flickering Beacon got a competition

Mark Twain famously said:
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.
We can paraphrase it as “Reality is funnier than satire, but it is because Satire is obliged to stick to the exaggerated but remotely plausible; Reality isn't.” Rutvij Holay, 2022 National Silver Medal by Scholastic Art and Writing Association, who was rejected by all the Ivy League universities to which he applied, puts the following words in the mouths of the admission officers:
[W]hen admission officer sees Patel, when he sees a Lee, when he sees a Kim, when he sees any Asian last name, basically the image that comes up is kid just sitting in his school on classes studying away math, and not doing anything that has an impact on society.
And if you think there is no way Timothy McVeigh demanded his execution to be public because of the “fundamental equal access concerns” he had, think again.
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