How Do You Take Your Coffee, Hannah?
Part 2 of the Massachusetts Teachers Association antisemitism debacle, where we learn that Jewish kids would be welcomed in Gaza and greeted with coffee. Anyone who says otherwise is RACIST.
The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) made national headlines after the state’s Special Commission on Combating Antisemitism launched an investigation into its vile, antisemitic “educational” materials.
We’ve already covered the propaganda they accumulated over the years - materials they sort-of-kind-of took down but not really (more on that later). Now, let’s go back to the antisemitism hearing and focus on a part most people overlooked.
Exhibits 8 and 9 (minute 31:00 in the hearing), titled “Four Wars Old,” remain linked on the MTA website under “Visuals and Arts” and was not taken down as of writing this post. One poster features two girls: Hannah, a very Scandinavian looking Jewish American girl, and Leila, a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon. It lists where each girl can or cannot live and visit: Hannah can go to Israel and most of the West Bank, while Leila is barred from Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.
Rep. Simon Cataldo, who conducted the hearing, pointedly asked whether the poster mentioned what would happen if Hannah visited Gaza. Then he turned to Max Page and asked: What do you think would happen?
Or… do we?
Enter Merrie Najimy: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
At the two-hour mark, the hearing shifted to a “Discussion on Viewpoint Diversity, Training, and Curriculum Relating to Countering Antisemitism in K-12 Education.” As far as “diversity” goes, the four panelists consisted of:
An anti-Zionist Jew
A “social justice” Jew
Two anti-Zionist Arab Americans, one of whom was Merrie Najimy
To understand how the MTA managed to push such a one-sided, blatantly biased list of sources for so many years, you have to understand the union’s leadership. We’ve already introduced the current president, Max “Facts Just Don’t Go Together” Page. Now, meet his comrade-in-arms, Merrie Najimy, former MTA president and moderator of the infamous supposedly “Anti-Palestinian Racism” openly antisemitic webinar, the one that first put the MTA’s antisemitic tendencies on everyone’s radar.
True to form, Najimy made the other three panelists sound positively reasonable by comparison.
Her rant (starting at 2:07:00) was one for the books.
She came out swinging, calling the hearing a “McCarthy-esque inquisition.” She wagged her finger at the representatives and declared:
“My heart rate was elevated to 122! That’s a physical manifestation of racism!”
Our heart rate shot up to 200 as we heard her shout.
What horrific injustice triggered Ms. Najimy’s cardiac episode?
Why, don’t you know? The racism she just endured!
And what exactly was this act of blatant racism?
The question about what would happen to Hannah if she visited Gaza.
Oh, Rep. Cataldo… You Colonizing, White, Zionist Jew! How DARE You?!
Didn’t you get the memo?
Criticizing Israel, or even questioning its right to exist? Fine and dandy.
Criticizing Palestinians? Racism.
Intent doesn’t matter, only impact.
Being offended? Nothing wrong with that, as long as it’s Jewish students who get offended.
Bias and cherry-picking? Only one side is allowed to do that and it’s not your side.
Throwing around ugly accusations? Only one side gets a free pass and it’s not your side. (For the record, we condemn whoever called her “Arab filth.” Her being filth has nothing to do with her ethnicity - just her personality.)
And most importantly: HOW DARE YOU even suggest that something bad might happen to Hannah in Gaza?
According to Najimy, Hannah would be welcomed with open arms.
The roaring laughter from the audience likely sent her heart rate into overdrive, but she was undeterred.
Moreover, she insisted, Hannah’s family would be led to the kitchen table and brutally murdered with gunshots to the head… oops, sorry. Served coffee. And the children and Hannah? They’d run outside and play in the streets.
Just like that:
Najimy is an elementary school teacher. Now, don’t you want this lovely lady shaping young minds?